Five (or Six) Countries in 21 Days

FIVE (or SIX) COUNTRIES IN 21 DAYS Belgium – Luxembourgh – Rwanda –  Uganda – Turkey (Asia) –  Turkey (Europe) December 26, 2019 to January 15 2020 ================================================================================ This story was written as a regular report-in to friends and family to share our journey and let them know we are safe.  Jeff & Carm ...Read more

Collaboration – when to opt out?

Collaboration – when to opt out? True collaboration is difficult, uncomfortable and stresses relationships immensely.  If you are not feeling all of those things then you are probably not there yet in terms of true collaboration. I’m a woman….and data suggests that women are more inherently collaborative.  At home and at work, I am often reaching out to people to collaborate, but they ar ...Read more

ADHD is not a disability!

Recently I was facilitating at a national conference and was having a conversation with a mom of a 7 year old with ADHD.  In my interest to find common ground I said something about having worked in the disability sector for more than 20 years. “ADHD is not a disability!” She yelled at me.  It was impossible to recover from that conversation as she was so offended by my suggesting that he ...Read more

Welcome to Ripple Enterprises!

I named my company Ripple Enterprises because I believe everything we do or say changes something.  I am privileged to be able to create ripples with organizations throughout Canada; Helping to lead change, inspire collaboration, and transform funding and partnerships.  I hope you enjoy my new website – the information and insights, the stories you will read and the people you will meet. ...Read more